Formula Dispenser/Container

Béaba's stackable milk dispensers are ideal for family outings or travel. Save space in your diaper bag and transport milk powder hygienically and safely.

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Beaba stackable milk dispensers: the essential accessories for baby feeding

Milk dispensers are extremely useful accessories for bottle fed babies. Practical and space-saving, they are the indispensable companions for young parents!

Beaba milk dispensers for going for a walk or on a trip

During the first few months baby can drink up to 7 bottles a day. This is a particular amount of milk powder. However, you're loaded up enough without putting the complete milk container in your changing bag or pushchair. The milk dispenser is therefore the ideal solution for organising baby meals. Each dispenser can hold all the milk powder necessary for the preparation of a bottle. The compartments fit together to save space. Beaba dispensers connect together securely, to avoid any loss of milk powder. When it's mealtime, you just unscrew a dispenser and fix the lid to the "dosing spout".

The milk dispenser: also ideal for organising bottles at home

Beaba milk dispensers will also be a great help for you at home. The first weeks after the birth of baby can give difficult nights. A milk dispenser means you can prepare doses of milk powder night bottles in advance. This trick saves precious minutes when baby wants their bottle.